Wealthy Health-Wise

keeping it small & simple

Home Fitness Gym – Convenient, Efficient, Effective September 3, 2010

Filed under: Fitness — Kazi @ 1:36 pm
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Home fitness gyms are becoming more and more popular and even more affordable as people recognize the need for fitness programs to improve their health and wellness. Each year there is increasing evidence of the benefits of exercise to improve your health, including decreased cholesterol and blood pressure, improved sense of well-being, improved energy levels, and a decreased risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Home fitness gyms are on the rise because they are convenient, time saving and private. Many people who are starting a new program feel self-conscious at the gym where everyone is watching everyone else. The added benefit of the personal trainers at a gym is often outweighed by the cost of lost privacy and decreased convenience. Personal trainers can also be hired to train you at home or consulted for a short term to develop a program that you execute at home.

Home fitness gyms are also convenient because you are not dependent upon the hours of a gym. You can get up early and work out before going to work while still showering at home.

When you are choosing the equipment for your home gym look for a device that is designed for multiple functions. The home gym should also be safe, reliable and within your price range. These gyms don’t need to be expensive to provide the you with an effective workout. As technology advances the gyms are becoming more affordable while providing more variability.

When you are in the market for a home gym also be sure to evaluate the space in which you plan to keep, use and store the equipment. Sometimes there is a trade off when you are evaluating a home gym that folds efficiently and one that is more bulky. Often the gyms that use your own body weight are stored easily in a closet or under the bed making working out in your home even more attractive.

There is a home gym on the market to fit just about anyone’s needs. Gyms can be adapted for those who have disabilities; others are better suited to those who want an intense workout consistently and still others may meet the price range, availability and customer service needs of the client. What ever your choice you should make an attempt to try the home gym at the store or do extensive research to read reviews of real people who have actually used the product.

Home gyms are a real benefit to people who have a desire to improve their health but at the same time want the convenience and privacy of working out in their own home. As sales increase and technology advances the possibilities for home fitness gyms expand each year. Home or at the gym? The choice is yours.


Hip Hop Hop Hop Hop ……. July 15, 2010

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Health,Outdoors — Kazi @ 11:00 am
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The research on the health benefits that people receive when they exercise is beyond refute.  Blood pressure and cholesterol decrease, energy levels increase, weight is lost and the over all sense of well-being that results from consistent exercisers is proof positive.  One exercise often overlooked in a fitness program is jumping rope.

Jump rope exercises are an excellent cardiovascular program according to the US Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Council.  It is also among the exercises recommended for conditioning by the American College of Sports Medicine. There is less damage done to client’s joints and it isn’t as hard on the muscles as jogging and running.

During running and jogging the foot absorbs up to five times body weight from the force of impact against the ground.  During jump rope exercises, because both feet hit the ground simultaneously, the shock of hitting the ground is controlled and absorbed by the calf muscle.

Did you know that 10 minutes of jump rope exercising is equivalent to 1 mile of running? You all know I’m an efficiency freak when it comes to my workout.  This is the only fact I need to know. Count me in.

There are many advantages to jump rope exercises:

  • improves heart efficiency
  • improves lung capacity
  • promotes physical coordination and agility
  • greater ROI (return on investment of time) than jogging.
  • probably the cheapest fitness equipment purchase you will make

Start with the right equipment –   Shoes should be supportive with good lateral stability; they will prevent ankle injuries and save wear and tear on the joints.  Cross training shoes, tennis shoes and basketball shoes have great lateral stability built into the shoe.  Be sure they are real tennis shoes, built specifically to play tennis and not generic shoes purchased at the department store.

Use the right jump rope.  The rope should be heavy enough to develop a steady rhythm and long enough that the ends reach your armpits when you stand on the center of the rope.  The handles should be thick and comfortable.

Try to use a floor that has some cushion that will reduce the impact to your legs.  A floating wood floor, like on a basketball court, is significantly better than the concrete floor in your basement.  Even better is jump rope exercises done outside in the grass.  The ground provides cushion to your joints and resistance that means more energy expenditure for you.

Warming up and cooling down will help you to prevent injury and improve your flexibility.  Warm up exercises can be a quick walk, climbing the stairs for a few minutes or jump rope exercises slowly.

It is common in the beginning to feel uncoordinated and miss the rope.  Don’t give up.  You will notice improvement, increased coordination and flexibility within a few short days.

BodyFit Boot Camp

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Don’t Be Scared! July 8, 2010

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Health — Kazi @ 4:29 pm
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95+ weather is not an excuse to skip your outdoor workout (read- boot camp). This is just the mind once again, offering up what seems to be a logical argument for self sabotage. Resist, resist, resist.

Do you know why human beings are at the top of the food chain (sorry my veggie readers), it’s because we are masters of adaptation. When nature served us up those sour lemons….., you know the rest.

Don’t let extreme hot weather initiate the beginning of what can easily become a quick decline into exercise absence.  Use your common sense and take pre-cautions to safeguard your health and minimize your discomfort.  Here are a few simple tips:

– schedule your workouts for early morning and evenings after sundown. it may still be warm but the worst is either over or yet to come.

– drink water before during and after your workout. staying hydrated on a hot day is essential to a safe hot weather workout.

– take it down a notch. the heat is doing part of the job for you. your heart rate is naturally raised to push heat out of the body via the skin, while still providing oxygen and nutrients to the organs and muscles.

– workout in shady areas that are slightly cooler than it’s surroundings. every little bit helps.

– dress to de-compress. loose fitting cotton clothing is the way to go

– get in/get out. none of those extended 2-3 hour workouts. keep it Safe, Effective, Efficient.

So let’s get back out there and show the Sun “who’s boss of me.”  And if all else fails, hit the pool.

BodyFit Boot Camp

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Put me in coach June 17, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health,Personal Development — Kazi @ 2:52 pm
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It’s been exactly 12 days since my last post. Compared to last month, when I was pumping a post out everyday, this is a sad representation of my productivity potential.  Fortunately, I know that I am being just as productive, but the medium of my expression has shifted temporarily.

Overall, the last two months has been extraordinarily productive for me, as far as writing is concerned. Last month (really April/May) I was involved in the 30 day blog challenge, organized by Connie Green
@ConnieGreen , Build Your Online Empire –  In this challenge, over 50 bloggers committed to writing a blog post of at least 150 words, everyday, for 30 consecutive days.

I know within myself, that I would not have done this on my own. And once I had publicly made the commitment, knowing that there was a group of people expecting to see a post from me everyday, there was no turning back.  Connie’s challenge, although posed to the group became personal for me.  I had to prove to myself, I could meet the challenge.

Since my involvement in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, my followers on Twitter has grown by over 300,  Before starting a blog and joining the challenge, it took me a year to get 100 followers.

Four weeks ago, I entered the 6 Weeks to Sunrise project.  In this weekly teleseminar, Vernon Muhammad  –
@thehighroad and HighRoadism – has challenged us to achieve an extraordinary goal in 6 weeks.

The goal that I set for myself is indeed extraordinary, for I would never have challenged myself to accomplish, what I am accomplishing right now as part of this project.

My goal for the end of this project was to launch a new business venture from just an idea and book at least one public speaking engagement.  To my surprise, by week three I had already booked 2 (one I have already fulfilled)  and have commitments for two more.

The amount of content I have produced- from written goals and weekly task, web content, to white papers, surveys, and USP’s (and occasional blog post) and execution- calls, written correspondence, follow up,  in the last four weeks, is unusual for me.

I have always been a mood writer. I write when the spirit moves me. But the purpose of having a coach, is to learn how to encourage, train and harness the power of the spirit.  To move out of your comfort zone and into The Outer Limits. To be on the edge and allow yourself to become intimate with your un-comfort zone.

This is what we do as fitness coaches and personal trainers. We challenge people to Show Up, Step Up and Shake Up their usual routine. Coaches and trainers create challenging situations and allow their clients to experience and overcome discomfort.

This proves to them that they are capable of not only getting through it, but rising above it.  In the process they realize that discovering the flexibility of their perceived limitations, can also be a lot of fun. As they meet their health and fitness goals, that reward is the fuel that feeds their fire for greater challenges and higher expectations for themselves.

Many times, people hire coaches and trainers, not because they have know idea what to do.  They hire us because they have no idea how to get themselves to do it.

If you want to do more than you are doing, produce more than your are producing, reach higher than you are reaching, I suggest you find a coach/trainer that specializes in the area of performance you’re involved in. Whether it’s in business, health, sports, relationships or whatever, the expertise, accountability and encouragement of a coach will go a long way.

Let them be the fire underneath your feet and the blazers of your path, until running becomes your preferred means of travel.

health . wealth . wisdom

Bodyfitbootcamp now at Orange Fitness Center
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Buddha Belly Blues May 17, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health — Kazi @ 11:13 am
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I was at a barbeque yesterday (yeah, I get down like dat. What, what?)and a friend of the family asked me-

“What exercise can I do to get this fat off my belly”?

This is a question every fitness professional has been asked over a hundred times or more.  The six pack is the ultimate symbol of fitness and beauty in today’s youth oriented society.

I preceded to share the common knowledge in the fitness community (although sometimes hidden) that “there is none.”

There is no one magic exercise for eliminating belly fat or any other body fat for that matter.

Crunches, sit ups and the entire host of core training exercises will not eliminate belly fat, no matter how disciplined you are about doing them. What they will do is give you strong, well defined abdominal muscles that will remain hidden behind a burka of fat.

A burka is a over garment warn by women in many Muslim communities around the world. It hides the women’s body and face, protecting her from the gazes of the opposite sex and protects the men from having their lustful thoughts stirred up.

Belly fat can do the same thing for you.

Your tight, strong, intense workout defined abs will never be the focus of attention.

Only you will know just how strong,toned and beautiful they are.

But your not married you say. Oh, well that’s different. You should have said something earlier. To get rid of the belly fat that not only hides your sexy abs from the world, but is also a major risk factor for heart disease, you will have to make some dietary changes.

Bottom line, six pack abs are the result of a combination of proper diet, core strength training and aerobic exercise.

You need all three to get the abs you want.  To save time you can do intense interval training that delivers both strength and aerobic training benefits.

You can still get the beach body you desire in time for you summer vacay or weekends at the beach. Contact me at 973-658-6055.

BodyFit Boot Camp – Branch Brook Park

Mornings: Tuesday, Thursday 6 AM – Saturdays 7 AM

Evenings:  Tuesday, Thursday 7 PM – Saturdays 7 AM




There is more than one way to skim the fat. April 29, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health — Kazi @ 4:59 pm
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Whenever I hear a fitness professional, insisting that success in reaching health and fitness goals is based on the ability to force oneself to do the things necessary to achieve those goals, I get a little peeved.

Pushing the idea that will power is the be all and end all
to making changes in one’s life that make dreams come true,
can be the death of any chance at success
for at least seventy five percent of the general population.

Everyone is not a type A, Alpha female, self motivated, go getter. These are just the facts on the ground. Non-constructive criticism doesn’t help someone struggling with sticking to a workout schedule or diet. It just reminds them of past failures and creates doubts about their ability to be successful in the present. 

The latest research in the field of motivation confirms
the position that positive reinforcement is more effective and long lasting than negative reinforcement.

So why do some professionals still cling to this philosophy?

I think most are just ill informed. Some use their own character as a baseline for how everyone else should respond to difficulty. This tunnel vision doesn’t allow them to consider other possibilities, nor resource alternative  methods for motivating clients.

A model I have found to work wonders for those struggling
with making life changes are Group Fitness classes.

Group fitness when done properly can serve as a social support to the individual members of the class. In the boot camps that I run, I’ve witness members organically form friendships that extend beyond boot camp. 

Group members motivate each other by:

  • encouraging each other to push harder
  • being a reminder of why you joined the class when doubts arise
  • assisting each other with challenges that could interrupt attendance
  • sharing information like recipes, amateur sports events, discounts on equipment, local restaurants to get healthy meals, etc.
  • celebrating milestones in there wellness journey together
  • car pooling to boot camp sessions

Our motto  at BodyFit Boot Camp – Branch Brook Park:
“It’s easy to quit when no one is expecting you to show up.
It’s impossible to quit when everyone is cheering
when you show up.”

Showing up for your own goals and dreams is 80% of success.

Being part of a supportive group increases your motivation to show up. Showing up is keeping your word to yourself. The power you derive from this simple action becomes the seed for the manifestation of dreams in every aspect of you life.

Let’s show up for our dreams, for ourselves

and for our kindred spirits support group members.

Show up and show each other the way. 


Tuesday May 4 is the Official Jump Off


BodyFit Boot Camp – Branch Brook Park

Mornings: Tuesday, Thursday 6 AM – Saturdays 7 AM

Evenings:  Tuesday, Thursday 7 PM – Saturdays 7 AM


Side effects of boot camp may include: weight loss, muscle tone, increased energy, libido and cat calls.

In essence, a boot camp is the “I’m finally sick and tired of being sick and tired workout. It’s the “I’m serious about transforming my coach potato body into a sleek, tasty sweet potato fry workout.” The BodyFit Boot Camp pits you against your doubts, procrastination and denial in a no holds barred, knock down, drag out conflict for the title of:


See you at boot camp. 


PS. Tai Chi Kung beginning May 8 at Branch Brook Park.
Free Pre-Boot Camp continues Saturday. 1 sessions remaining.




Workout of The (Rainy) Day April 26, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health — Kazi @ 5:47 pm
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Here is one you can do with minimal equipment. A set of dumbbells and a stability ball will do the job. It’s down and dirty. No frills. No time to look in the mirror. Don’t worry, the results are coming. Trust me. You can adapt the weight to your fitness level and your goals. Today, I used a set of 15 lb.ers (not a typo).  My goal was maintenance of my present fitness state via a combined cardio/strength workout.

If your goal is to get a little more definition, use a weight you find more challenging for you. For less of a cardio challenge, rest between each exercise.

10 minutes warm up on Schwinn Airdyne stationary bike.

Do each set back to back. No resting between sets.

Maintain a rhythm throughout. No seesawing.

20 Bent Rows

20 Dead Lifts

20 Bicep Curls

20 Shoulder Press

20 DB Squats

40 Stability Ball Sit Ups.

Rest 2 min. between sets

Rinse and Repeat

Do as many sets as you can for 20 minutes.


PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp continues Tuesday. 3 sessions remaining.




Not Just for Pampering April 25, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health,Wellness — Kazi @ 5:15 pm
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I see plenty of advertisements for Spas, Spa services and Spa parities these days. The promote the purchase of massage, facials, saunas, body scrubs and more. The Spa business along with fitness (sometimes combined in the same space) has been one of the fastest growing businesses in major cities around the country for the past 20 years.

The marketing of spa services has been very successful. The emphasis in the marketing has concentrated on the pampering aspect of going to a spa. The need for pampering in a fast paced, competitive society such as ours is legitimate and deserves exposure. At the same time, this emphasis on pampering may go over the heads of certain segments of the population, who could benefit greatly from regular of even an occasional spa experience.

In particular, many men still have not experienced the benefits of visiting a spa.  The idea of pampering in some minds is still something for women and metrosexuals.  Real men don’t eat quiche and most certainly do not enter the fru-fru halls of a spa.  Stone age thinking, but still very prevalent.

Massage is the one aspect of the spa that is pretty acceptable across genders. But it too fails to attract some people because it is looked at as a luxury. “I’ve had a massage before. I felt like a new man afterward. But it’s just to expensive to do regularly’”. This is something I’ve heard from woman also. Not just in reference to getting a massage, but in response to any sort of spa treatment.

I think there is an opportunity here for those of us in the health and fitness professions to highlight the health benefits of going to a spa or soliciting the services of a spa professional and integrating spa therapies into our clients healthy lifestyle programs.  The treatments that I listed above are not only delightful to experience, they are healing to the body, mind and spirit.  Spa treatments are detoxifying, stress reducing and can also be bonding for couples, families and friends. These three aspects alone are some of the most powerful preventive and curative medicines at our disposal.

The two that I find indispensable to maintaining my health are massage and saunas or steam baths. The sauna takes a few minutes to get used to if you haven’t been. But the moment of initial discomfort is worth it. As the body temperature rises, perspiration and blood circulation increases. The muscles and organs are stimulated and toxic waste is removed from your body through perspiration.

The heat also relaxes the muscles, making them soft and pliable. Try stretching after spending a few minutes in a sauna or steam room.  You will find that your range of motion has increased significantly. Minor aches you may have been experiencing many times melt away.

To put the icing on the cake, have a massage done after spending at least a combined half hour in a sauna and hot tub.  You will arise from the table so relaxed, you would be wise to take a little nap before leaving the spa.

High powered business executives, pro athletes, politicians, royalty and entertainers have been taking advantages of spa treatments for hundreds of years. If you feel you can’t afford a massage, get a 30 minute chair massage. You will not regret it. Most chair practitioners charge somewhere in the region of $1/min.  Shop around for a spa or freelancer in your area that has reasonable rates. You can usually save on treatments by buying multiple sessions as part of a package.  This will also motivate you to get treated on a regular basis.

My favorite place here in New Jersey is King Sauna. I go mainly for the variety of heat treatments available. Women swear by the body scrubs they get there.

Make spa services an integral part of your Sacred Wellness Lifestyle Program.  See you at the spa.


PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp continues Tuesday. 3 sessions remaining.




A step in Time April 21, 2010

Filed under: Fitness,Health,Lifestyle — Kazi @ 10:53 am
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Running and Jogging is not something I do often. I kinda like my Knees and shins just the way they are. And at age 50, can’t see any real benefit in pounding the pavement everyday.  But, occasionally I get an urge to run.  So I go to my local park and put in a couple of miles.

To make it interesting, I incorporate a few strength exercises along the way.  I have found this to really add to the workout. I guess it helps ME because, in addition to the above. Jogging can get to be a bit boring.  Especially running around a track.  Which is something I haven’t done in years.

By adding some body weight exercises to your jogging routine you create a great interval workout and reduce boredom at the same time (read efficient).  Did I mention no equipment required.

Here is the workout I have planned for today:

  • Start off at a slow pace
  • after 5 minutes pick up speed (still jogging, not running)
  • at 3 min. stop – 20 power squats
  • resume jog
  • after 2 min sprint equivalent of about 20 yards
  • resume jog
  • at 3 min. stop – 20 push ups
  • resume jog
  • after 2 min. sprint
  • resume jog
  • at 3 min. stop – 10 reverse lunges (stepping back)
  • resume jog
  • after 2 min. sprint
  • resume jog
  • after 3min stop – 20 crunches
  • follow with Walking Stretch Routine

This should take all of 30 min. to complete. You can use this as is or replace with your own exercises and intervals.


PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp continues Thursday. 5 sessions remaining.



Knead To Know April 18, 2010

Filed under: Bodywork,Fitness,Health — Kazi @ 2:07 pm
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I guess it was somewhere in my thirties that I began to become intimately cognizant of my mortality. My bodies ability to mask and repair damage quickly and in the background, began to falter. I started noticing little kinks and aches that lasted beyond the initial incident and linger with me like that kid in grade school who just didn’t get the hint- “I don’t really want to be your friend dude.” Don’t judge me, it was grade school.

Since then, the incidents of aches, pain and accidents incurred while executing movements that I previously pulled of with my eyes closed, have increased exponentially. Truth be told, this is one of the reasons I became a fitness trainer.  I’ve always been an information junkie. I needed to know what the heck was going on and what could I do to prevent it.

My research revealed that I needed to change the way I was treating my body. I needed develop a program to strengthen my areas of skeleto-muscular weakness and relax their corresponding excesses.  Through self experimentation I discovered that many of my aches were do to hypertonicity.

Hypertonicity is an increased tension of the muscles, meaning the muscle tone is abnormally rigid, hampering proper movement. This condition is the opposite of hypotonicity. Hypotonicity is a decreased tension in muscle tone. A lack of muscle tone inhibits proper movement as the muscle is not developed or is too soft to support the body.

So, information junkie that I am, the next stop for me was massage school.  There I learned simple time tested techniques for relieving hypertonic muscles.  But there was still a problem.  Occasionally I would have pain on my own body that I either could not reach or could not apply the proper pressure in order to relieve the pain.  Back to the drawing board.

The solutions I found were in the use of a few simple inexpensive tools that everyone (at least everyone over the age of 35) should have in there homes.  First up, the Thera Cane. This is a deep pressure massage device that can be used to gently (or not so gently) massage muscles on any part of the body.  What I like most about the Thera Cane, is that it greatly reduces the amount of strength you need to get deep into the muscle. I use it mainly for trigger point work. Relieving a trigger point requires that you apply continuous pressure to a pin point area for up to a minute. Sounds simple until those minutes start adding up.  You can get a Thera Cane online for about $30.

The Dolphin Massager gets the most use in my arsenal. Slaving over a hot computer to bring you folk these illuminating and popular post (i have total of 10 followers as of today, woohooooo!) can lead to aching upper back, shoulder and neck muscles.  The dolphin relieves that pain for me in a matter of minutes. It’s also good for relieving lower back ache.  A client was purchasing these to give as Christmas gifts a few years back.  Sharper image was going out of business and selling them for about $20 bucks each.  I asked her to get me one also. (are yo u starting to see a pattern here. some say i’m cheap, i prefer frugal.) The Budgetnista would be proud of me). This is a purchase that has paid for itself a thousandfold.

Research over the last ten years has directed the attention of bodyworkers and fitness professionals to put more time into releasing myofacial tissue.  Muscles are covered with a sheath of connective tissue (fascia) that helps them glide over surrounding tissues.  This tissue can loose its pliability and stick to adjacent muscles, bones or ligaments. I use foam rolls and my own body weight, to reduce pain and tension resulting from restricted fascia. Foam rollers run anywhere from $15 to $40 depending upon the length, type of foam and manufacturer.

Ball of varying sizes can also be used for myofacial release work. There are balls made specifically for this technique, but tennis balls, soft medicine balls and other firm balls of various sizes have worked just fine for me.

So if you suffer from acute aches and pains and looking for some tools and techniques to help you spell relief. Give these a try. If you need some extra direction, hit me up.


PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp (six sessions) begins this coming Tuesday.



Work In, When You Can’t Workout April 16, 2010

Although I’ve been enjoying the outdoors lately, working out in the open air, getting inspiration from the other folks exercising in my local park. There are those days when it rains and I just have to settle for a home gym training session. So is life. Flexibility is my middle name (well, at least for the sake of this post).  When the heavens hand me a lemon. I proceed to make lemon aide.

Simple indoor workout to keep me 50andFit:

20 min. on Schwinn Airdyne Stationary Bike. If you’re not familiar with this piece of equipment, the movable arms allow you to get an upper body (arms), lower body and cardio workout all at once. (I’m really big on efficiency. Just not an hours in the gym kind of guy.)You can even place your feet on the pegs and power the bike using your arms alone. This is a great stationary bike for athletes, beginners and even someone using it for rehab purposes.

I purchased mine used, from someone on Craigs List about 5 years ago (evolution model) for about $150.  It was practically brand new,although the owner had the machine for over 3years. This is often the case with exercise equipment. Folks commonly make the purchase, use the device for a month or two, then it becomes a clothing hanger. One day I’ll tell you how I got a bow flex machine for $0.00.

Added bonus in using the Airdyne: the resistance is provided by a fan which replaces the front wheel. Once you get this baby going, the fan provides a welcomed breeze while you ride.

An alternative for those who already own a bike, is to get a stationary bike stand or trainer which allows you to turn your road bike into a stationary bike.

Add a little music (I like to listen to audio books) and you get your workout indoors.


PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp (six sessions) begins this coming Tuesday.


Warm Up Before You Heat Up April 13, 2010

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Health,Movement — Kazi @ 2:58 pm
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Hopefully, my readers belong to the committed few who haven’t strayed away from your New Years Health & Fitness resolutions and continue to make exercise an integral part of the Sacred Lifestyle.  The benefits of exercise are well documented throughout medical journals and the general media. So, I will not bore you with my rant on “why exercise.” If you are reading this blog, I assume, you are already convinced and can skip the lecture.

Let’s get straight to the meat of the matter.  To get the benefits of exercise it is necessary that you do it consistently.  I have found that one of the obstacles to being consistent about exercising is injuries incurred while working out.  Sometimes we are so gung-ho about getting in shape, that we leap into exercising head first.  Although this is great as a motivator, it can lead to unnecessary injuries that can side line you for days, weeks or even months.

A few common practices that may lead to exercise related injury are: Using improper form while executing movements.  Pushing yourself too hard or lifting too much weight is another common way people hurt themselves while training.  The one I would like to offer some assistance with today is injury due to lack of properly warming up before going hard in the gym.

Warming up your body is essential to preventing injury to yourself while you are exercising. Here are a few reasons why you want to warm up:

  • a warmed muscle both contracts more forcefully and relaxes more quickly.
  • improves muscle elasticity, also reducing the risk of strains and pulls.
  • reduces the resistance to blood flow and lower stress on the heart.
  • increased Blood Temperature means a slightly greater volume of oxygen is made available to the working muscles, enhancing endurance and performance.
  • the range of motion around a joint is increased.
  • the warm-up is also a good time to mentally prepare for an event by clearing the mind, increasing focus, reviewing skills and strategy.

In essence, warming up not only helps to prevent injury, it enhances performance and allows you to get the most benefit from your exercise routine.

Here is a video of me demonstrating some dynamic warm up movements developed by fitness professional Loren Landaw.

If you have not been warming up before your workout, try this routine.  I am interested in hearing how this warm up effects your workout routine in general.  So leave me a post after you have tried it for a week or so.


Kazi- CPT, CMT

PS. Free Pre-Boot Camp begins April 20



Compassionate Confrontation with Comfort April 10, 2010

In the past couple of weeks I have stepped up my own fitness routine to take advantage of the exuberant energy of the season and to prepare for the Spring/Summer season of BodyFit Boot Camp at Branch Brook Park in Newark. Over the years, when exercising at a challenging intensity I’ve become well acquainted with my minds borderline panic reaction to physical stress.

When we exercise our bodies at a level it has not been accustomed to, when we push or get pushed beyond our comfort zone, our mind sounds a crisis scale alarm before we even enter our personal Red Zone. The alarm takes on various tones. Rationalizations- logical, reasonable arguments that support the idea of letting up – “Take it down now and go hard on the next set.” Suddenly remembering something Important and slowing down to “….gather your thoughts.” Or, after the sensation of your lungs and muscles burning, get outright ignorant with some “what da fuk am I doin, this sht is crazy.” (Pardon my french)

On the flip side, exercising at athletic intensity requires a very monitored field of attention. You don’t have the luxury of allowing your thoughts to drift in whichever direction the wind is blowing. The successful (safe, efficient and effective) application of strength, balance, agility, speed, energy transformation and will; to complete a movement or series of movements is tied directly to ones’ ability to stay in the moment.

So a polarity is set up in the psyche, with the thoughts running in one direction and the attention affixed to another. Some may see this as a less than ideal situation. It is most ideal. It is the ideal opportunity for the sedentary man and women to practice an ancient and simple method of gaining physical and psychological strength, simultaneously. Here is a technique I have found useful. Put it to good use.

  1. In safe surroundings. While performing a movement/exercise you have mastered and can execute with proper form.
  2. Allow your attention to remain fixed on the observation of :
  • your movement in space and in your body
  • the breath entering and leaving your body (don’t try to control it)
    3. When your mind begins to make SUGGESTIONS to let up or stop:
  • scan your body for pain
  • if you find pain, observe it, along with your motion and breath
  • do not comment on the suggestions from the mind keep returning your attention to your movement, breath and body

This is the practice of compassionate confrontation with comfort. It yields strength, body awareness and stress resilience. So don’t just read this post and go back to the couch. These holistic benefits will carry over into every aspect of your life. I dear you to take these 5 simple points and see what a difference they will make in your daily wealth, health and wisdom.

Leave me a comment about your experiences with entering your physical discomfort zone.  I would love to hear it.


Rise and Shine Your Light Divine



The 20 Minute Booty Buster March 18, 2010

Filed under: Exercise,Fitness,Health,Uncategorized — Kazi @ 6:10 pm
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Getting my workout in late tonight, so I’m going to use one of my favorites. It’s ultra efficient as far as time required, equipment needed and bottom line results.

This routine comes from the folks over at Crossfit.com.  It’s one of their baseline workouts.  They call it Angie (the give their workouts girls names).  It’s very simple and mucho effective.
I have modified it for my goals and purposes.

5 pull ups
10 push ups
20 sit ups
40 squats

Do them back to back.
5 Sets
2 min. rest between sets.

This is a great body weight training routine.  Works your heart, lungs, back, shoulders, biceps, grip, chest, triceps, abdominals, quads, hamstrings and glutes.  All in under 20 min.
Sounds easy. Give it a shot.  Let me know how it went.